Personal Profile
Ilana Eldan - director

Psychologist license number- 27-1558168
2019- M.A. M Mind Sciences- mental sciences University of Turin (Italy)​
Master's thesis: Mobbing: Recognition of the phenomenon, study on a sample of workers in Israel.
2008- B.Sc. Neuropsychological Sciences and Techniques - Neuropsychological Sciences and Techniques, University of Turin (Italy).
bachelor's thesis: Locus Of Control in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
2021- until today Health Systems Management, Ben Gurion University.
1. Is Perception of Causes of Illness Related to Psychological Well-Being in ALS Patients?
2. The Impact of Frontotemporal Behavioral Changes in ALS Patients and Caregivers.
3. Health Locus of Control in ALS Patients: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Continuing education, professional training, seminars and conferences:
Palliative care course
GCP Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology.
Compassion Focused Therapy – Training 1° level.
ECNP Network Master Training class in Neuromodulation – Florence Neuroscience Institute.
Practical training - welfare and social services department - Eilat.
Training in psychopathology: eating disorders - Turin, Italy.
Training in psychopathology: Obsessive compulsive disorders - Turin, Italy.
Seminar: complementary medicine and traditional medicine, from an anthropological perspective - Turin, Italy.
Forensic psychology training: psychosocial sciences child custody in case of separation and divorce - Milan, Italy.
Conference: Health in the PA...the care network. Establishing cognitive rehabilitation through the computer and online - Turin, Italy.
International conference: rehabilitation of speech and writing - from personal and interpersonal communication to integration in society - Turin, Italy.
Seminar: Gender Identity - Turin, Italy.
International Conference: Brain, Culture and Social Behavior - Turin, Italy.
Seminar: Music - Clinical Therapy - Turin, Italy.
International conference: Brain growth in children - Turin, Italy.
Seminar: Psychology in the National Health Service - promoting health and puberty, peer education, activity and leadership among teenagers - Turin, Italy.
2020- until today Beit Belev - ward for long-term hospitalization (Eilat).
Director of a rehabilitation medical center.
2013-2017 - Anush - The Israeli Association for Mental Health (Eilat).
Eilat branch manager.
2012-2021- External cooperation with government institutions.
Providing translation and consulting services to government institutions (courts, police, the Population and Immigration Authority).
2010-2011 - Government health company TO1 Azienda Sanitaria Locale ASL - Turin, Italy.
Practicum at the government health company, neuropsychiatric department for children.
2006-2008- Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera Molinette Hospital - Turin, Italy.
Practicum at the University Department of Neuroscience in the Department of Neurology, Center Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
2006-2011- High-tech company iCons S.N.C- Milan, Italy/ London, England.
Administrative management and management of VIP client portfolios.